Internet Content Filtering Service

We offer a variety of list categories that cover the most commonly used applications for content management.icf

You can whatever lists you need, and you can even specify times when the lists should be active.

Our all filters are updated as needed and some are updated as frequently as every hour, 24/7/365.

Lists are maintained using automated data collection methods, as well as from user submissions and old fashioned human research.

We take our list maintenance very seriously and if any false positive and missed site reports are handled immediately and updated lists are made available for download.

Currently Available Filters

  • Adult Site List: This list will block ography and web sites displaying , ual acts, and material unsuitable for children.
  • Malicious Sites: This list will block web sites that have fraudulent content such as phishing web sites, sites that may infect your computer with viruses or other harmful programs. It also blocks web sites that have been advertised in verified spam messages where the exact content is unknown but generally advertise ual performance , illegal pharmacies, fraudulent schemes, non-exist ant products, shady dating services, and a variety of other types of content that is designed to either obtain personal information or to sell questionable merchandise or services. This list is updated every hour and uses very sophisticated data collection techniques from live mail servers all over the world. You can see the latest, top 100 spammers and scammers by clicking here.
  • K12 Block List: This list contains web sites that are not generally suitable for K-12 schools and other institutions. This list includes sites from several categories including , illegal activities, file sharing, illegal music and video sites, sites, etc.
  • K12Fun Block List: This list contains web sites that may not be suitable for schools during class time. These include entertainment, movies, games, and other non-schoolwork pastimes. There are no sites in this list that would be considered inappropriate for children, simply sites that would not be conducive to educational environments.
  • Social Networking Block List: This list contains social networking sites like and Facebook.
  • Job Searching Block List: This list contains job search web sites, resume posting sites, and other employment search related sites. This is useful for employers who do not want employees wasting company time searching for new jobs.
  • Dating Site Block List: This list contains dating and mate search web sites.
  • Free Email Site Block List: This list contains sites where free web email accounts are offered
  • Online Chat Block List: This list contains various online, live chat services.
  • Online Auctions Block List: This list contains sites offering online auctions like eBay and others.
  • Anonymous Proxies Block List: This list contains anonymous proxies commonly used to bypass blocked sites. The list also contains the most well-known anonymous proxies.

Disclaimer: Many of these lists contain sites that are not objectionable in any way. They are provided for use business and educational settings where accessing particular categories of web sites may be contrary to acceptable policies.