Personal Digital Certificates


In today's world communication system is primarily through email and online. Email travels through different nodes/servers, and there is a possibility that your messages can be seen, altered or replaced by a man in the middle attack with malicious intent.

Now you need to protect your online communications like email using a secure mechanism just like you protect your paper-based messages like letters and memos by putting them in a sealed envelope. You can do this by using our Personal Digital Certificates which are issued by our system to individuals and corporates.

By signing your email with Personal Digital Certificate also assures your identity to the digital world.

What is a Digital Certificate?

Digital Certificates serve as an identity of an individual for a certain purpose, e.g. a Passport identifies someone identity in a particular country. In the same manner a Digital Certificate present your identity to digital world.

Digital Certificates are your online identity cards (i.e. electronic format) of physical or paper Certificates like your passport or membership cards.

Why should I trust a Digital Certificate's contents?

Digital Certificates are endorsed by a Certifying Authority. The Certifying Authority is a trusted entity which issues your Digital Signature. Digital signatures are validated by CRL list which is released by Certifying Authority once every 24 hours and can be verified online.
Our Certifying Authority (CA) issue Digital Certificates directly to individuals and corporates. Our certificates can be used in any country.